nrr nrc. J. nrr nrc

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Muñiz joined the U. Dudek Date Approved: August 5, 2021. NRR . Established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, the NRC began operations on January 19, 1975, as one of two successor agencies to the United States. Toward that end, the U. S. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) can grant relief from, authorize alternatives to, or. , independence, openness, efficiency, clarity, andIt is the policy of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to establish procedures and guidance for its staff to meet the requirements established by legislation and regulation. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Do you want to know how the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is structured and who is in charge of what? Check out this PDF document that shows the NRC organization chart, with the names and titles of the key leaders and staff in each office and region. You can use historical NRR in financial. Location: NRC One White Flint North, Commission Hearing Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 Type of Meeting: Category 3 Purpose of the Meeting: This meeting. Please describe the nature of your responsibilities on behalf of the NRC. tlw4@nrc. May 20, 2005 Combination List: cc: Mr. 05. 1. The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association – the “NRC” – is a U. T. Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff that Kairos has provided sufficient assurance that it will protect Safeguards Information (SGI) from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the NRC. ML21088A279. EFFECTIVE DATE March 12, 2018 10. Veil is the first African American and first woman to be appointed as Director of NRR. In particular, the U. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft Regulatory Guide (DG), DG-1415, ``Dedication of Commercial-Grade. S. Note that contraction, in this sense, does not necessarily mean. Docket Nos. Looking for online definition of NRR or what NRR stands for? NRR is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms NRR - What does NRR. SES . gov; and Mark Blumberg, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,. S. SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. Callahan, OCA Inspection Program Branch, NRR (IPAS) DOCUMENT NAME: a:9580. Reyes, EDO, this office instruction has beenProject Overview. I have been employed by the NRC for over four years. The SE Division assists the General Counsel in providing legal advice and support in connection with security and enforcement matters. The NRC provides employees with the necessary guidance to relocate to a permanent official duty station and to claim reimbursement for the allowable [email protected]/DE/ECGB NRR/DE/EMEB NRR/DRCH/HICB NRR/DRCH/HQMB NRR/DSSA/SPLB RES/DSIR/EIB EXTERNAL: L ST LOBBY WARD NOAC MURPHYgG. NRC's regional offices implement this program in the states for which they are responsible ( Region I covers the Northeast ; Region II covers the Southeast ; Region III covers the Midwest ; and Region IV covers the West and the Southwest ). ”. Mr. The inspection was conducted by the Special Inspection Branch of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) from February 12 through. Reed 301-415-1462 Timothy. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE. Dunning E. : 50-272 and 50-311 Enclosure: List of Attendees CONTACT: James Kim, NRR/DORL,~S R~C>, Wp + 0 p 0» 0. William. Resident Inspector -927N 9707i50329 970703 PDR 'DOCK 05000397 P PDR DLWilliams -BPA/399 CR Wallis -EFSEC PD Robinson . S. The objective of this office instruction is to define the process for. Section 8, NRC Management and Control of the Regulatory Process, discusses the formal mechanisms that exist to ensure the NRC acts in a legal, structured and disciplined manner in its licensing and oversight of nuclear power plants. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND NUCLEAR. Eudy@nrc. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) U. Brian Smith NRC/NRR/DANU Kati Austgen Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Nathan SanfilippoNRC/NRR/DANU Steve Vaughn NEI Martin StutzkeNRC/NRR/DANU Mike Tschiltz NEI SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE 2021 NRC STANDARDS FORUM . Dean, NRR G. 02. Union of Concerned Scientists. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Subject: NEI 09-14, Guideline for the Management of Buried Piping Integrity. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Anzalone, NRR B Parks, NRR J. john. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools for. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . chawla@nrc. 31, 2021. • NRR User Need Request (UNR) NRR-2015-009, “User Need Request for Support in the Enforcement Branch. On November 2, 2020, theU. IP-71002, "License Renewal Inspections," provides the procedures for. 55a paragraphs consistent with the reorganization of 10 CFR 50. Karwoski K. Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident Inspector U. Shams: The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 1Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR REVIEW STANDARD Change Notice Review Standard No. • NRR Office Instruction LIC- 204, Rev. g. MEETING CONTACTS: Leonard N. Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident Inspector U. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 4 to Regulatory Guide (RG), 1. The rulemaking tracking and reporting system provides near real-time information on NRC rules and petitions for rulemaking. Eudy@nrc. GRR calculates total revenue (excluding expansion) minus revenue churn (contract expirations, cancelations, or downgrades). Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted the meeting in accordance with NRC Management Directive 3. P. J. It is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to address questions raised by other Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) organizations in a timely manner with a. gov Anthony J. The enclosed report will be made available to the public via the U. Additional It is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to provide guidance for its staff to meet the requirements and performance goals established in legislation, regulations, the Agency’s strategic plan, and office-level operating plans. Lubinski D. Inspection. U. : LIC-205, Revision 5 Office Instruction Title: Procedures for NRC’s Independent Analysis of Decommissioning Funding Assurance for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors Effective Date: Approved By: Approved Date: Primary Contacts: January 16, 2015Commission (NRC) has issued an exemption in response to an April 13, 2023, request, as supplemented. The NRC staff encourages further pre-application engagement, especially for novel. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: James Kim, Project Manager /RA/ Plant Licensing Branch I Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. Research and Test Reactors Sub-Arena. gov. gov John Tsao, NRR Thomas Scarbrough, NRR 301-415-2702 301-415-2794 John. Location: NRC One White Flint North, OWFN-7-B4 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD Category: This is an Observation Meeting. gov 301-415-4083 301-415-5342 Summary: This revision reflects the reunification of NRR and NRO and makes other. S. For example, if you retain 150 customers in a year, but they downgraded to lower plans and spent less than the previous year, your customer retention metric stays the same. Schoppman, et al. Mr. ” 6. Chaired by the Office Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), the NRC RISC [email protected] U. Zimmerman et al. ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In August 2020, the U. T1 - Beyond Earth: The Future of Nuclear Technology in Space | Video. Implements the NRC inspection program for all operating reactor facilities in Region IV. About NRC. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE MARCH 29, 2022, CLOSED MEETING. gov, no subject, and use one of the following commands in the message portion: subscribe gc-nrr (first and last name) unsubscribe gc-nrr (first and last name)• The NRC staff mentioned that there is an advantage of submitting the Environmental Report (ER) using the standard format. NRR is the cumulative total of your retained, contracted and expanded revenue over a period, typically a month or year. Director: Theresa Clark (Acting) Deputy Director: Michael Hay. to have your name or organizationremoved from distributzon lists or reduce the number of copies received by you or your organization, contact the document controlOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Drew G. Dear Mr. Singh, NRR Madden, NRR E. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Standards Forum. The group’s primary goal is to remove barriers to innovation and launch initiatives that improve the way we work to make SAFE use of nuclear technology POSSIBLE and encourage the staff to make real change. Dennis Galvin, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U. The NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has oversight responsibility for the regulation and licensing of operating research and test reactors. License Conditions 2. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Office Instruction No. Samson. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Master Nuclear Operating Agreement dated December 16, 2005. SUMMARY: The U. Project No. 2Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS In carrying out our FY2002 new initiative to improve office infrastructure, the first three NRR. manager in the Division of Advanced Reactor and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident U. salNRC Industry J. 20079) xo eliminate~ name hkh dishubvtion lists for documents you don't needt d sOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . IMC 2516, "Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Programs," provides guidance to NRC headquarters and regional office staff, as well as consultant personnel, regarding review and inspection activities associated with an applicant's license renewal program. This IN also provides information about the availability. g 0 +r~ t7 +»*«+ 0 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. m. m. FROM: Edward Helvenston, Project Manager /RA/ Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility LicensingBranch . The NRR explained that this core damage frequency risk. West, NRR '. W. A. gov Alfred. The NRC maintains two types of inspections programs for operating research and test reactors. michael. c: Ms. Production and Utilization Facilities . gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 ADAMS ACCESSION NO. 20555-0001 February 28, 2008 NRC REGULATORY ISSUE SUMMARY 2008-04 DISCONTINUATION OF TWO PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SECURITY REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS ADDRESSEES All holders of operating licenses for nuclear. gov Nick. T2 - New Fuels Licensing Readiness | Video. m. 0801-02 POLICY The NRC encourages the staff to identify issues that need program level attention and toCharles E. Reactor Regulation (NRR). , NRR Office Letter 900, "Managing Commitments Made by Licensees to the NRC" (ADAMS Accession No. 102 of the NRC’s regulations allows the NRC staff to request that the licensee supply additional information in the course of the review of the proposed action. On September 18, 2023, a partially closed meeting was held between the U. 720 Attachment: Agenda cc w/att: See next page CONTACT: Stephen. Olshan, NRR Sean E. S. DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 Mr. NRR values range up to approximately 30 dB. S. / RA / David B. Lainas, NRR F. 1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. Brown, et al. On December 10, 2019, members of the AREWG from OIP and NRR attended NEI’s Advanced Reactor Working Group. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. Yanely. Project No. Fax, 301-415-3548. 2000s: | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |. Reyes, NRC, Region II Mr. Interested members of the public can participate in this meeting via a toll-free audio teleconference. RJasinski, NRR TMartin, NRR TCollins, NRR MKotzalas, NRR RDennig, NRR JLamb, EDO RIV VDricks, OPA RIV PMNS Receptionist (OWFN and TWFN) ADAMS Accession No: ML063310234 NRC-001 OFFICE NRR/LPL4/PM NRR/LPL4/LA NRR/LPL4/BC NAME AWang LFeizollahi DTerao DATE 11/27/06 11/27/06 11/28/06 OFFICIAL RECORD COPYMEETING CONTACTS: Jack Cushing, NRR Lois James, NRR 301-415-1424 301-415-0184 [email protected] E-mail [email protected] and less than 20. Benney:MEETING CONTACTS: Leonard N. NRR conducts a broad range of regulatory activities in support of the Commission's safety and security strategic goals. GROUP PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 19, 2012 On January 19, 2012, the U. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC) is an independent agency of the. Kingsley, Jr. G. Dennis Galvin, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U. gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Jessica Hammock, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Participants: External Thomas Saporito, Public Teleconference: Bridge Number Conference ID Pass Code (301) 576. 55a in the November 5, 2014, rulemaking. Nuclear Reactor Regulation(NRR), New Reactors (NRO), Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), Nuclear SecurityThe NRC asks addressees that choose to submit the information requested in NRC Form 536 to do so within 30 days of receiving this RIS. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Working Group. ML23263A011 NRC-001 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UAL1:PM NRR/DANU/UAL1:LA NRR/DANU/UAL1:BC. The following table provides access to the construction permit application for Hermes and other documents that Kairos Power, LLC has submitted to support the review of the application. The enclosed report will be made available to the public via the U. This is a meeting in which attendees will have an. To calculate NRR, deduct your revenue churn (contract expirations. • Provides the NRC’s tool for long-term, risk-informed trending of industrywide operating experience of all events that occur at U. The rule and petition information is updated every two weeks. Points of Contact: Project Manager Office/Division/Branch Telephone Gayathri Sastry NRR/PMDA/ITIB 301-415-8344 Business Project Manager Office/Division/Branch Telephone Carole Revelle NRR/DIRS/IOLB 301-415-1065 Bridget Curran NRR/DIRS/IRIB 301-415-1003 Richard Bright NRR/DORL/LPL3-2/MDAT 301-415-8086The NRC's REIRS system provides the latest available information on radiation exposure to the workforce at certain NRC licensed facilities. Ms. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff’s periodic review of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. Martin, NRR 301-415-1419 301-415-1439 [email protected]@nrc. " This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. Peter. ML21148A236. Putnam N. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 September 26, 2017. 50-390/93-65 AND 50-391/93-65 This refers to the NRC inspection conducted by G. RES . gov Stacey. T3 - Setting a Course for the Future of. OFFICIAL USE ONLY. gov Terry Beltz, NRR 301-415-3049 [email protected]@nrc. Enclosure LIST OF ATTENDEESDocuments issued prior to October 1999 are available in paper or microfiche. On March 29, 2022, the U. S. Charles Brinkman Westinghouse Electric Co. NRC Document Control Desk . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1389, ``Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors. O’Banion, Project Manager Advanced Reactor Policy Branch. Discussions will be led by NRC contractors. Robert 0. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DORL Summary of Changes: Revision 5 updates Section 4. 13). Kuo J. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Revision 6 Page 3 of 9 Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-17, “Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Power Reactor Licensees to the NRC Staff” (Ref. . Ho Nieh. Philpott@nrc. Primary Contact: Name Name 301-415-xxxx name. gov Stephen Cumblidge, NRR 301-415-2823 e-mail: Stephen. NRC WESTINGHOUSE OWNERS GROUP B. Noise Reduction Ratings Explained. Docket [email protected] of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF MAY 18, 2020, CLOSED MEETING WITH THE. 301-415-3610 301-415-2357 Tanya. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. 108. 89, ``Environmental Qualification of Certain Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants. Interested members of the public can participate in this meeting via a toll-free teleconference. Nuclear Reactors Power ReactorsResearch & Test Reactors Operating ReactorsNew Reactors Operator LicensingResearch Activities Nuclear Reactor Quick Links Nuclear. 8004 (f) 301. NRC GENERAL ELECTRIC A. D. 390(b)(3) of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) to determine whether information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is a trade secret or confidential. , INC. Resident Inspector-927N 9707i50325 970703 PDR ADOCK 05000397 P PDR DLWilliams-BPA/399 CR Wallis-EFSEC PD Robinson-Winston Strawn +ac (', 150056. : LIC-500, Revision 6 Office Instruction Title: Topical Report Process Effective Date: March 12, 2018 Approved By: Michele G. Operating Reactors. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) opened GI-186 to address a concern related to the measures to protect against heavy load drops. gov The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate. commercial nuclear power plants. 54(f), and NRC MD 8. gov Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-206. They also focus on compliance activities, and complement NUREG-0933, "Resolution of Generic Safety Issues. 109, 10 CFR 50. When the NRC issued Revisions 2 and 3 of this RG, 10 CFR 50. 0 that describes the average sound absorption performance of a material. The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)'s OI program defines the processes by which NRR staff and managers develop and maintain OIs and thereby improve NRR's efficiency and consistency in performing its various activities and [email protected] Noise Reduction Coefficient – commonly known as NRC – is a single number rating which represents the average of sound Absorption Coefficients of a material at specific mid-range frequencies (tested at 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz octaves). gov Samson. Walton on September 1. 54(f), and NRC MD 8. Chowdhury@nrc. responsibilities and authorities for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff to resolve backfit issues and to issue 10 CFR 50. SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. gov Tanya [email protected] * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 Distribution: See next Page Accession Number: ML051110040 NRC-001 OFFICE PDII-1/PM PDII-1/LA PDII-1/SCFENOC Response to NRC Request for lnformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50. S. Learn more about the NRC's mission, vision, and values, and how they work. SheaSUPPORT THE WESTINGHOUSE-NRC PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING ON THE WESTINGHOUSE AP300™ SMR DESIGN DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW WHITE PAPER” DATED: NOVEMBER 13, 2023 DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC NRR/DNRL/NLIB R/F RidsOgcMailCenter Resource MHayes, NLIB RChristian, WEC WGleaves SGreen. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to develop office instructions (OIs) for the staff’s review of licensing applications submitted under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 50, 51, 52, and 54 that involve two or more NRR divisions or other NRC Brian W. AdditionalIt is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to provide guidance for its staff to meet the requirements and performance goals established in legislation, regulations, the Agency’s strategic plan, and office-level operating plans. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was created as an independent agency by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive. S. gov. : LIC-401, R. S. The NRC's Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor given by the agency, was presented to six employees for outstanding achievement or contribution of major significance to NRC. It is the policy of the U. meeting was conducted to explain the use of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) Office Instruction LIC-504, “Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking. TerraPower, LLC. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Category 2 public meeting with industry stakeholders, including the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the U. The purpose of the Standards Forum is to facilitate discussions on the NRC’s Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards provided a presentation that gave an overview of the NRC staff and the NRC’s mission, described the Hermes facility that Kairos is planning to construct in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and described the NRC’s safety and environmental review process. Smith currently serves as Director of the Division of New and Renewed Licenses (DNRL) in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). S. Joseph M. NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room at. gov LMJ@nrc. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . laur@nrc. 415. S. , to David Mathews, Director, NRR, and Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager, NRR, NRC, Divestiture Plan Regarding Indirect Transfer of the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR) (Jan. m. Michele G. gov. 111-1 . 800 - NUREG-0800 - STANDARD REVIEW PLAN FOR THE REVIEW OF SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS PURPOSE The purpose of this office letter is to establish a standard format for the preparation, revision, and issuance of NRC. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE APRIL 25, 2023, PARTIALLY CLOSED PRE-APPLICATION MEETING WITH TERRAPOWER, LLC TO. 52-049 cc: Listserv Signed by Shams, Mohamed on 01/06/22. S. NRC Resident Inspector (PNPP) NRR Project Manager (BVPS) NRR Project Manager (DBNPS) NRR Project Manager (PNPP) Director BRP/DEP Site BRP/DEP Representative Utility Radiological Safety Board. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE APRIL 12, 2023, CLOSED MEETING WITH ARC CLEAN TECHNOLOGY (EPID L-2023. S. H • Vo 11 mer T. Date Approved: October 4, 2013 Primary Contacts: Stephen Philpott 301-415-2365 Stephen. If the partial application is determined to be sufficient, the staff will docket it and begin a detailed technical review. of established NRC policies; and (3) significant restructuring of technical specifications, changes that introduce significantly different analytical methodologies, and changes that are related to revising established NRC policies. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Requests for single copies of draft or active SRP sections (which may be reproduced) should be made to the U. 54(f) information requests. Hiser J. To the right is an example of the EPA label for a headset with an NRR of 33 dB. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Cost Activity Codes . : LIC-400. Marinos, Section Chief, Section 1NRC, on October 25, 1990, concerning a Management Meeting to be conducted at the NRC Region II Office, Atlanta, Georgia, in the 29th floor Conference Room,. Nguyen@nrc. Rahimi, RES ADAMS Accession No: ML21111A005 [email protected]:OD 415-1542 rjj1@nrc. gov Ross Telson 301-415-2256 rdt@nrc. In accordance with the FY-2005 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, House Reports 108-554 and 108-792, Monthly Reports to Congress have been discontinued and replaced with the Quarterly Reports to Congress. Program management, inspection, and operator licensing are the three major oversight responsibilities of NRR. The inspection included a review of activities authorized for your Browns Ferry facility. DATES: The group’s primary goal is to remove barriers to innovation and launch initiatives that improve the way we work to make SAFE use of nuclear technology POSSIBLE and encourage the staff to make real change. 05 To provide a process to follow up on areas of concern. If you are unable to locate an expert, please contact our Office of Public Affairs. Zimmerman - 2 - ACCOMMODATIONS: If special equipment or accommodations are needed to attend or. wall@nrc. NRC . 415–3104; email: Michael. TG Colburn -NRR NRC Sr. Mr. 50-297 Enclosures: 1. The NRC staff cautioned that if TSTF-592 is not approved when the amendment is submitted, it will take more time to review the amendment. Enables NRR to operate efficiently and effectively by overseeing administrative services, human capital management, information. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION NRO OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. W. Exhibitor: Taylor Lamb, Technical Assistant, NRR/NRC, 301-415-7128, Taylor. DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 Mr. If you have questions concerning our input, please contact me at 202-739-8131 or . Ashley Roberts. gov Bill. Clement, NRR K. 29, 2021, and the . It also contains information concerning the recording and reporting requirements of NRC licensees. The objective of this office instruction is to outline a process by which the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff and managers performsubmitted an affidavit to the U. gov Enclosure: Figures 1 and 2 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRC’s Mission • To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of nuclear materials in order to ensureuse of nuclear materials in order to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment. In the future, the clicking on the site name will take you to that specific sites’ available assessment letters. and Westinghouse submitted presentation slides to the NRC (ML23271A159). 1), to meet the agency’s performance goals. Change Notice. I have been employed by the NRC for over six years. Accession Number. John. NRC after the business portion, but before the meeting is adjourned. Nguyen@nrc. Taylor leads highly skilled engineers, scientists, inspectors, and project managers in executing the agency’s mission on a large number of nationally. Eric Oesterle, NRR, NRC . G. Reed@nrc. Mahesh Chawla, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch . Within the jurisdiction of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), exemptions may be approved for the following regulations: • 10 CFR Part 20 (regarding standards for protection against radiation) - Pursuant Effective March 28, 1999, the NRC reorganized the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). To access information on the agency's rules, see "Rules" [email protected]. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has completed its actions supporting closure of Generic Issue (GI)-186, “Potential Risk and Consequences of Heavy Load Drops in Nuclear Power Plants. NRC/NRR NRC/OCM NRC/NRR/SPEB NRC/DS I /I CSB NRR/DSI/RSB NRR/DSI/RSB NRR CE NRG/PA NRC/OCA CPCo B&W NRC/DHFS NRC/RES NRG/RES NRC/IE NRC/IE DEDROGR Staff NRC/RES NRC NRC/IE • '. Hebdon, NRR L. Hiltz R. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). ENCLOSURESUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. gov Ian. S. Ramadan@ nrc. : LIC-107, Revision 2 Office Instruction Title: Procedures for Handling License Transfers Effective Date: June 5, 2017 Approved By: Michele G. Ward@nrc. The purpose of 10 CFR Part 51, “Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions,” is to ensure that Staff from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) issues a request for additional information (RAI), when necessary, to support reasonable assurance findings on the safety of a design, operation, or siting, as well as environmental issues, in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules and regulations. License Renewal. 2 Joseph Ashcraft NRC/NRR/DEX/EICB Grace Kim NRC/OGC Susan Vrahoretis NRC/OGC Anthony Rossi NRC/OCFO/DOB/LFPT David D'Abate NRC/OCFO/DOC Jawanza Gibbs-Nicholson NRC/OCFO/DOC/LAFBB/FBT Derek Widmayer NRC/ACRS Tony Nakanishi NRC/COMM/OCM Robert Krsek. 02 Branch Chief, Technical Specifications Branch (DSS/NRR) 4 0326-06 OPERABILITY DETERMINATION PROCESS 4 06. 50-271 Enclosure: Meeting Agenda cc w/encl: See next page. NRC/Document Control Desk,NRC/NRR. and Westinghouse submitted presentation slides to the NRC (ML23271A159). S. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . To subscribe or unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Colaccino, NRR 301-415-2753, jxc1@nrc. Provides leadership; plans, recommends, manages and implements programs of nuclear regulatory research; and interfaces with all NRC offices and the Commission on research issues. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has determined that additional information is necessary to complete its review of the licensee proposed alternative. S. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). While the NRC said it. Andrea Veil, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC; Meet the Moment—Remarks. S. It is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to employ the strategies in NUREG-1614, Volume 8, “Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2022–2026,” issued October 2013 (Ref. NRC NEI Tim Frye Ralph AndersenNRR Office Instruction LIC-208 Page 4 of 22 .